Browsing Meeting Documents by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2513
Développement et environnement - Rapport présenté par un groupe d'experts convoqué par le Secrétaire Général de la Conference des Nations Unies sur l'environnement, Founex, Suisse, 4- 12 juin 1971
(1971)Ce rapport représente un préalable indispensable à la coopération internationale, d'un genre particulier, qui s'imposera si l'humanité veut pouvoir lutter a armes égales avec les dangers qui pêsent sur son environnement ... -
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment - Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972
(1972)At its 21st plenary meeting, held on 16 June 1972, the Conference, having adopted individually all the sections of the report except those giving an account of the action of the Conference on the report of the Credentials ... -
International Organizational Implications of Action Proposals (Subject Area VI) - Report by the Secretary-General
(1972-01)The paper contains general information and certain relevant considerations regarding the structure, principles and practice of the United Nations, and outlines some of the courses open to the Conference in this context. -
Stockholm Declaration: Declaration on the Human Environment - Environment Law Guidelines and Principles 1
(1972-06)Adopted by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 16 June 1972; see U.N. General Assembly Resolutions 2994/XXVII, 2995/XXII and 2996/XXII of 15 December 1972) -
Report of the First Session of the Working Party on Biological Accumulators of the Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research - FAO Fisheries Report No. 160
(1974)This report highlights the pollutant levels in sea water -
Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB): Regional Meeting on Integrated Ecological Research and Training Needs in the Sahelian Region - Final Report. MAB report series No. 18
(1974)The general objective of research and training activities of MAB Project 3 in the Sahelian zone is to help the governments of this region organize a long-term drought relief programme by improving methods and types of ... -
Report on an FAO/UNEP Consultation of Experts on Impact Monitoring of Residues from the use of Agricultural Pesticides in Developing Countries
(1975)Report on an FAO/UNEP Consultation of Experts on Impact Monitoring of Residues from the use of Agricultural Pesticides in Developing Countries -
Pulp and paper Industry and the Environment – Seminar Papers and Documents
(1975)From the first session of the UNEP Governing Council, held in June 1973, the importance of environmental issues associated with industrial development was recognized and a programme of activities on environmental problems ... -
Report of UNEP/UNESCO/ICRO/WFCC Meeting Workshop held in Department of Microbiology, University of Queensland 7-22nd July, 1975 for the purpose of discussing the preservation of genetic pools and the establishment of regional collections of microorganisms in developing countries
(1975-07)Report of UNEP/UNESCO/ICRO/WFCC Meeting Workshop -
Report of the ACMRR/IABO Working Party Biological Effects of Pollutants and Report of the ACMRR/IABO Expert Consultation on Bioassays with Aquatic Organisms in relation to Pollution Problems
(1976)Report of the working party on biological effects of pollutants -
Eutrosym '76: Proceedings the International Symposium on Eutrophication and Rehabilitation of Surface Water Vol. I, Part 2
(1976)The participants in this meeting drew up draft recommendations concerning the protection of surface waters from eutrophication. -
Eutrosym '76: 20.-25. IX. 1976 Karl-Marx-Stadt German Democratic Republic - Proceedings the International Symposium on Eutrophication and Rehabilitation of Surface Water - Vol. I, Part 1
(1976)The participants in this meeting drew up draft recommendations concerning the protection of surface waters from eutrophication. -
Eutrosym ‘76: 20-25. IX. 1976 KarI-Marx-Stadt German Democratic Republic - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Eutrophication and Rehabilitation of Surface Water - Vol. II
(1976)The participants in this meeting drew up draft recommendations concerning the protection of surface waters from eutrophication. -
Conference de plénipotentiaires des Etats côtiers de la region méditerranéenne sur la protection de la mer Méditerranée
(1976)Conference de plénipotentiaires des Etats côtiers de la region méditerranéenne sur la protection de la mer Méditerranée -
Vigilancia para la evaluacion de deterninados problemas ambientales criticos relacionados con las practicas agricolas y de usode la tierra - Informe de la Reunion del Grupo de Expertos Gubernamentales PNUMA/FAO sobre Vigilancia Ambiental de los Suelos y la Cubierta Vegetal
(1976)Informe de la reunion del grupo de expertos gubernamentales PNUMA/FAO sobre vigilancia ambiental de los Suelos y la cubierta vegetal. -
Programme for Environmental Studies, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Jeddab II Conference - Provisional Report
(1976)The Jeddah II Conference is the second in a series of meetings for marine science experts and official representatives of coastal states of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The first was held in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia, ... -
Eutrosym ‘76: 20-25. IX. 1976 KarI-Marx-Stadt German Democratic Republic - Proceedings the International Symposium on Eutrophication and Rehabilitation of Surface Water – Vol. IV
(1976)The participants in this meeting drew up draft recommendations concerning the protection of surface waters from eutrophication