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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorCoordinating Body on the Seas of East Asiaen_US
dc.coverage.spatialAsia and the Pacificen_US
dc.descriptionThe Third Meeting of the COBSEA Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML) was held on 29-30 June 2021 as a virtual meeting, with participation of Working Group focal points and representatives of COBSEA countries, as well as observers. The purpose of the Meeting was to discuss progress of marine litter activities related to the COBSEA Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI) and further develop substantive issues responding to decisions made by the Twenty-fourth Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM 24) of COBSEA. This report summarizes discussions and input provided at the Meeting, main outcomes and follow up actions.en_US
dc.subjectmarine pollutionen_US
dc.subjectEast Asiaen_US
dc.titleThird Meeting of the Working Group on Marine Litter of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA): Virtual Meeting, 29-30 June 2021 - [Meeting Report]en_US
dc.typeMeeting Reports and Proceedingsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US

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