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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.identifier.otherUNEP(WATER)/CAR WG.22/5en_US
dc.descriptionThe Resolution of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean (SPAW), held in Kingston, 15-18 January 1990, agreed to bring into existence an Ad Hoc Group of Experts to function as an Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) on Protected Areas and Wildlife until the Protocol comes into force. The Ninth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of Contracting Parties to the Cartagena Convention (Kingston, 12-14 June 1991) endorsed this Decision.en_US
dc.subjectmarine ecosystemen_US
dc.subjectmarine environmenten_US
dc.titleReport of the Meeting: Fourth Meeting of the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Regionen_US
dc.title.alternativeINFORME DE LA REUNION - Cuarta Reunión del Comité Asesor Científico y Técnico Interino (ISTAC) del Protocolo Relativo a las Areas y Flora y Fauna Silvestres Especialmente Protegidas (SPAW) en la Región del Gran Caribeen_US
dc.title.alternativeRAPPORT DE LA RÉUNION - Quatrième réunion du Comité consultatif scientifique et technique intérimaire (ISTAC) au Protocole relatif aux zones et à la vie sauvage spécialement protégées (SPAW) dans la région des Caraïbesen_US
dc.typeMeeting Reports and Proceedingsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber64 p.en_US
wd.identifier.mettingsessionFourth Meeting of the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region. Havana, Cuba, 3-6 August 1999en_US

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