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dc.contributorWest Asia Officeen_US
dc.coverage.spatialWest Asiaen_US
dc.descriptionThe main objectives of this workshop to support Arab States in implementing the recent outcome decisions of COP 26 and discuss critical issues for the upcoming COP 27 such as: Latest outcomes of negotiations at COP 26 related to the Glasgow Climate Pact; Latest outcomes and decisions on main negotiation issues related to adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology, and other agenda items; Guidance for operationalizing the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF including reporting tables and formats and outline for the biennial transparency reports (BTRs); Article 6 in Carbon Markets and implications of Articles 6.2 (internationally traded mitigation outcomes - ITMOs), 6.4 (market approaches), and 6.8 (non-market approaches) on Arab countries; Guidelines for integrating response measures and co-benefits actions in addition to updates on Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture; and Regional positions and priorities for action and preparation for the June Session and COP-27.en_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.subjectcapacity buildingen_US
dc.subjectArab countriesen_US
dc.titleEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA): Fourteenth Regional Training Workshop on Capacity Development for Climate Change Negotiations for the Arab Countries, MENA Climate Week, Dubai, 29 – 30 March 2022 - Information Noteen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US
wd.identifier.mettingsessionEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA): Fourteenth Regional Training Workshop on Capacity Development for Climate Change Negotiations for the Arab Countries, MENA Climate Week, Dubai, 29 – 30 March 2022en_US

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