Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • GEO-6: Global Environment Outlook: Regional assessment for West Asia 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2016)
      In this assessment, the UNEP Secretariat and the authorsprovide an objective evaluation and analysis designed tosupport environmental decision making. Expert judgmentis applied to existing knowledge to provide scientific ...
    • Global Environment Outlook 5 (GEO 5): Environment for the Future We Want 

      United Nations Environment Programme
      In 1995, in support of UNEPs unique mandate within the UN system to keep under review the world environmental situation, (GA resolution 2997 of December 1972), the UNEP Governing Council requested a new, comprehensive ...
    • Measuring Progress: Environment and the SDGs 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
      This Measuring Progress: Environment and the SDGs informs on the 92 environment-related SDG indicators, analyzes the progress made in achieving the SDG targets and identifies data gaps. The statistical approach uses simple ...
    • State of Biodiversity in West Asia: A Mid-Term Review of Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2016)
      This report draws on a set of regional indicators, information from fifth national reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), other government reports, case studies and published literature, to provide a ...
    • The State of Food Waste in West Asia 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2021)
      The State of Food Waste in West Asia report was commissioned by the United Nations Environment Programme West Asia Office. It is timely coming after the publication of the Food Waste Index 2021 report (UNEP 2021) and dives ...
    • Waste Management Outlook for West Asia 2019: Waste to Wealth 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2019)
      This Regional Outlook builds upon the Global Waste Management Outlook published in 2015. Focusing on waste management systems, finance and governance, it articulates a means of future progress toward sustainable waste ...