Now showing items 1-20 of 1238

    • Global Environment Outlook GEO-2000: UNEP's Millennium Report on the Environment 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2000)
      UNEP's Global Environment Outlook 2000 presents a comprehensive integrated assessment of the global environment at the turn of the millennium. Two over-riding trends characterize the beginning of the third millennium. ...
    • TEEB Manual for Cities: Ecosystem Services in Urban Management 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment Programme, 2011)
      This report highlights how a focus on ecosystem services and their valuation can create direct benefits for cities. It also provides stepwise guidance on how to do this illustrated by in-depth case studies.
    • TEEB Climate Issues Update 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment Programme, 2009)
      This report demonstrates how climate change and biodiversity are inextricably linked and how investments in the restoration and conservation of our planet’s ecosystems, valued at several trillion dollars, can play a major ...
    • TEEB for Business – Executive Summary 

      United Nations Environment Programme (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, 2010)
      This document summarizes a major component of TEEB aimed at the business community (‘TEEB for Business’ or Deliverable 3). The full report sets out the business case for biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES).
    • Why Value the Oceans? A Discussion Paper 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2012)
      This report seeks to draw attention to the economic benefits of ocean and coastal biodiversity and healthy ecosystems and emphasize the unrealized benefits of preserved and enhanced whole ecosystem structures, functions ...
    • Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 11: A TEEB Perspective 

      United Nations Environment Programme (Publisher: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2012)
      Aichi Target 11 is increasing the amount and effectively managing land, inland waters and ocean covered by protected areas (Aichi Target 11). The guide provides practical support for national governments, regional ...
    • Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 3: A TEEB Perspective 

      United Nations Environment Programme (Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2012)
      Aichi Target 3 is reforming subsidies harmful to biodiversity and promotion of incentives for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The guide provides practical support for national governments, regional ...
    • Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 2: A TEEB Perspective 

      United Nations Environment Programme (Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2012)
      Aichi Target 2 is the integration of biodiversity values into strategies for development and poverty reduction, planning processes and national accounting. The guide provides practical support for national governments, ...
    • The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Valuation Database - Manual 

      United Nations Environment Programme (The Sustainable Ecosystems Team at the Scotland’s Rural College, 2013)
      The Manual presents an overview and explains the potential uses and functions of the TEEB Valuation Database. The Manual discusses the origin of the database; describes its content and structure; outlines its contents and ...
    • Nature and its Role in the Transition to a Green Economy: A contribution to Rio +10 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2012-02)
      This paper looks at how nature and natural capital contribute to a green economy, both in terms of the benefits provide to society by maintaining nature as well as the losses avoided by conserving and rehabilitating natural ...
    • Nature and its Role in the Transition to a Green Economy 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2012-02)
      This paper looks at how nature and natural capital contribute to a green economy, both in terms of the benefits provide to society by maintaining nature as well as the losses avoided by conserving and rehabilitating natural ...
    • Natural Capital Accounting and Water Quality: Commitments, Benefits, Needs and Progress – A Briefing Note 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2013)
      The briefing note outlines existing guidance and examples on water quality accounting and identifies the ongoing challenges related to the development of natural capital accounting and water quality accounting. Inspired ...
    • Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature: A Synthesis of the Approach, Conclusions and Recommendations of TEEB 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2012)
      TEEB Synthesis Report report was released at the 10th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CBD in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature provides a synthesis of the approach, conclusions ...
    • Executive summary: TEEB for Water and Wetlands 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2013-03)
      The report builds on the TEEB approach to generate a better understanding of the ecosystem service values of water and wetlands and encourage improved decision making and business commitment for their conservation, investment ...
    • The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Water and Wetlands 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2013-03)
      This report builds on the TEEB approach to generate a better understanding of the ecosystem service values of water and wetlands and encourage improved decision making and business commitment for their conservation, ...
    • Guidance Manuel for TEEB Country Studies: version 1.0 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2013-02)
      The Guidance Manual for TEEB Country Studies provides both technical and operational guidance on how countries may conduct a TEEB Country Study. It outlines the various steps that may be taken to initiate and implement a ...
    • The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Challenges and Responses 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2014-01)
      This report describes the life of TEEB to date, progress made towards its goal of mainstreaming the economics of nature, the main challenges as the initiative begins a phase of implementation, as well as the responses of ...
    • TEEB for Agriculture & Food: Scientific and Economic Foundations Report 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2018-06)
      The TEEBAgriFood ‘Scientific and Economic Foundations’ report addresses the core theoretical issues and controversies underpinning the evaluation of the nexus between the agri-food sector, biodiversity and ecosystem services ...
    • Mississippi River Plastic Pollution Initiative - Apex Report 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative; The University of Georgia (2023)
      Mayors of cities and towns along the Mississippi River made a commitment to reduce plastic waste in the Mississippi River Valley in September 2018. Under the leadership of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative ...
    • One Health and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - Guidance for United Nations Country Teams 2023 

      Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations; United Nations Environment Programme; World Health Organization; World Organisation for Animal Health (2023-10)
      In response to these multidimensional health challenges, the Quadripartite (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH1) developed a shared vision for the transformations required to prevent and mitigate the impact of current and future ...