UNEP Publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 177
Not just another brick in the wall: The solutions exist - Scaling them will build on progress and cut emissions fast. Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction 2024/2025 [Coming Soon]
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2025-03)This report underscores the urgency of harmonizing building codes, scaling low-carbon materials, increasing equitable access to green financing and incentivizing circular construction. Workforce development programmes must ... -
Атлас изменений окружающей среды - Кыргызская Республика (Atlas of Environmental Change - Kyrgyz Republic)
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2025-03)The Atlas of Environmental Change for the Kyrgyz Republic has been developed using global, regional and national datasets, spanning six decades using both historical information and the latest satellite technology. It ... -
We are all in this together - Annual Report 2024
(2025-02)The 2024 Annual Report details UNEP’s efforts to provide science and solutions to tackle growing environmental challenges in complex geopolitical times, convene and support multilateral environmental agreements and ... -
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Implementation: Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector
(2024-04)คณะกรรมการขับเคลื่อนโครงการ The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity (TEEB for Agriculture and Food or TEEBAgriFood ในประเทศไทย ได้อนุมัติให้ดำเนินโครงการการประเมินค่าของระบบ นิเวศและความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพในการพัฒนาระบบ ... -
Measuring what Matters in Sustainable Rice Production: TEEBAgriFood Thailand EU-funded Project - Synthesis Report, April 2024
(2024-04)A transformative change in food systems is needed in order to meet the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEBAgriFood) initiative ... -
Measuring what Matters in Sustainable Rice Production: TEEBAgriFood Thailand EU-funded Project - Final Draft Report 2024
(2024-04)A transformative change in food systems is needed in order to meet the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEBAgriFood) initiative ... -
Mediterranean Quality Status Report: The State of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast from 2018-2023 - Summary for Policy Makers
(2025-01)The Summary for Policy Makers of the second edition of the MED QSR was mandated by the 23rd Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region ... -
Greening the Blue Annual Report 2024 - The UN system's environmental footprint and efforts to reduce it
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-12)On an annual basis, Greening the Blue provides information on the UN system’s environmental footprint and the efforts to reduce it. Greening the Blue Annual Reports highlight the progress in the implementation of the ... -
Composting Solid Organic Waste from Municipal Sources in West Asia – A Technical Guide for Decision Makers and Practitioners
(2024-12)The purpose of this guide is to provide decision makers and waste managers with sufficient technical information to plan, design and operate a composting facility. It is aimed at developing Asian countries where access to ... -
A Practical Guide to 1.5°C Scenarios for Financial Users: A deep-dive into the IPCC-assessed 1.5°C scenarios with no or limited overshoot
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2025-01)This report by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) serves as a practitioner’s guide to understanding the key attributes of IPCC-assessed scenario pathways that limit temperature rise to ... -
Core Human Rights Principles for Private Conservation Organizations and Funders
(2024-12)The international community is grappling with an unprecedented loss of biological diversity—a crisis that directly impacts both biodiversity and human rights. The degradation of biodiversity significantly impairs the ... -
Lessons learned from the Implementation of the Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project (Phase 2) - Avenues for Climate Security and Environmental Peacebuilding Programming
(2024-12)In response to Sudan’s challenges stemming from climate change, conflict and fragility, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Union launched phase two of the Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project (WEK 2). ... -
Mediterranean Quality Status Report: The State of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast from 2018-2023
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-12)Monitoring and assessment of the marine and coastal environment have been central to the mandate of the MAP system since its establishment in 1975 as the first regional action plan under the UN Environment Programme’s ... -
Growing the Green: How and why restoration finance needs to quadruple by 2030 - State of Finance for Nature - Restoration Finance Report
(2024-12)To support implementation of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, this report focuses on finance flows and investment needs for restoration. Ecosystem restoration is based on “the process of halting and reversing ... -
Nature-based Solutions for Peace: Emerging Practice and Options for Policymakers
(2024-12)Facing acute pressures from the combination of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, policymakers around the world have been paying increasing attention to Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as part of their development ... -
For all life on Earth: Actions to protect, restore and sustainably use nature. A practical guide in support of the Kumming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-11)Our world faces environmental crises that threaten to upend life as we know it. Earth is degraded, deforested and warming dangerously. Nature and the myriad of benefits that it provides to people is declining all around ... -
Global Peatland Hotspot Atlas: The State of the World’s Peatlands in Maps - Visualizing global threats and opportunities for peatland conservation, restoration, and sustainable management
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-11)Building on the findings of the Global Peatlands Assessment (GPA), the Atlas reveals the status of global peatlands through a series of maps that highlight their distribution and features on a continental scale, identifying ... -
A policymakers’ guide to Life Cycle Assessment - Policy Brief (Coming soon)
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-11)This policy brief focuses on the application of generic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies to inform problem and policy framing. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines a life cycle as “consecutive ... -
Critical Transitions: Circularity, equity, and responsibility in the quest for energy transition minerals - Working Paper
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-11)The world needs vast quantities of minerals to leave the fossil fuel age behind, but these must be produced in a manner that is neither socially nor environmentally damaging. And, it needs to be done quickly. Unless the ... -
Global Monitoring Plan on POPs: Sustainability analysis - Synthesis Report
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2024-11)The Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is a framework that enables collection of comparable monitoring data from all regions of the world to evaluate the ...